I prefer hot coffee most of the time. Unless it is very hot and I need something to cool me down, you will not really find me downing a glass of iced coffee. But did you know that iced coffee can replace one of your meals? Yep, you can actually have iced coffee for lunch and not have to eat anything else!
According to the World Cancer Research Fund, certain iced coffees have as many calories as a full meal. Alright, get ready for this (courtesy of BBC):
The “venti” or largest version of Starbucks’ Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino, a limited offer for the summer, contains 561 calories – more than a quarter, WCRF notes, of a woman’s daily calorie intake.
Whoa! I never really think of calories when drinking coffee but this is crazy. Now how about if you choose the “healthier” alternative, like skimmed milk and such? This is what you get:
At Caffe Nero, the skimmed version of a Double Chocolate Frappe and a Mocha Frappe Latte contain 452 calories.
That’s still a lot isn’t it? Thinking about it now, I understand why I get so full off of a Starbucks mocha frappe. I don’t really get ventis – more like grandes – but I do not ask for skimmed milk and stuff like that.
Don’t despair, though. The same study shows that “basic” iced coffees contain much less calories. An iced Americano at Starbucks, for example, only has 11 calories while an iced latte with skimmed milk has 68. I guess we better stick to plain black coffee most of the time then, huh?
Originally posted on July 29, 2009 @ 4:39 am