Today, coffee is the elixir of the work day, the lifesaver of the office drone, the essential tool for worker comfort, if not survival.
“We used to accept whatever coffee was served and never complain about it. We never knew the difference. A good cup of coffee would have been coffee that had been sitting on the burner for four hours and you still drank it“- said Marc Bourret, spokesman for Boyd Coffee Company, which supplies coffee to corporations, restaurants and other organizations.
Now, he said, people actually dump a pot if it’s not fresh…..
The fact is that many people in the work place have developed more sophisticated coffee tastes and know the difference between low and high qualities of coffees.
In 1991, The NY Times reported that in each of the past three years the specialty coffee market has grown more than 30%. The market has more than tripled in the past six years. Specialty coffees represented approx. 10% of the $6.5 billion coffee market.
Originally posted on June 5, 2006 @ 4:30 am