The immediate adage that coffee offers is that of them being hot or brewed drinks to consume with the usual pastry or breakfast partner for people. But lately, iced coffee that is usually called frappuccinos and iced coffee blends today, have changed the usual perceptions that coffee drinkers normally have.
Even the kids and teenagers today have learned to enjoy coffee not only as something to wake them up but rather something to hit the spot, especially during hot climates and weather. While coffee was never made for the purpose of consumption for the younger generation, this has slowly changed as can be seen when a person passes by the local Starbucks or coffee shops near them.
Perhaps this is one reason why people start becoming coffee addicts at a younger age. While there are no health issues concerning it, too much caffeine in the body may evidently become harmful, especially for people trying to fight sleeping disorders such as Insomnia.
Originally posted on February 3, 2007 @ 4:57 pm