Addiction is a hard thing and it can be difficult to get over. There are so many things that people can be addicted to, some that you may not even realise. When you think of addiction what are the things that pop into your mind first?
Usually alcohol, street drugs, and prescription drugs are the first things that come to one’s mind when it comes to addiction. These are probably three of the worst things to be addicted to as well. They can all alter your mind and perception, causing you to get into accidents or even make poor life decisions.
There are some other things that you can get addicted to that may be a little less life threatening (or not). Even still some people think that smoking isn’t addictive, but it has been proven to be. And, it isn’t the only one.
Nicotine may not be the most harmful thing about smoking cigarettes, but it is the thing that makes them addictive. The carcinogens in cigarettes are the things that cause things like lung cancer. It is the nicotine that makes them hard to give up.
Some people switch to e-cigarettes with nicotine, which give them the substance that they are addicted to without all of the other chemicals. There still isn’t a lot of information on any ill effects from e-cigs, other than their batteries exploding in people’s pockets.
Caffeine is addictive and so many people get so much of it in every day of their lives, from that cup of coffee, to diet pills, to your favorite soda (unless you’re one of the very few buy caffeine free soda). You can usually tell the effects of your coming down off caffeine by a headache, one of the most common symptoms. And, that headache is usually relieved by some caffeine.
Caffeine, though addictive, still has some great benefits. In fact, recent studies have found that a few cups a day will lower your risk of having a heart attack. It also helps give you more energy which makes it great for use in weight loss products.
Most recently sugar has become the culprit of addiction. There are so many foods, especially with the fast food industry, that contain sugar. Even a loaf of bread has sugar in it. The average person eats 150 pounds of sugar a year.
Sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other issues, making it an unhealthy addiction. To get away from sugar people need to pay more attention to what they eat and choose to eat more fresh and raw foods.
There are many things you can get addicted to, and you may not even realize you’re addicted. Addiction is hard enough to deal with, but when you add in things you can get addicted to that you didn’t even know about it makes it even more shocking.
Originally posted on December 21, 2015 @ 8:24 am