Many people like their coffee strong and black. I appreciate this brew, I really do, but I also like my coffee to have a blend of sweetness and creaminess. So assuming that you put sugar in your coffee and that you like something to make it creamy as well, my question to you is this: do you prefer some sort of creamer or do you prefer milk?
I personally prefer Coffee Mate as a creamer. It gives you that creamy texture and taste without overpowering the taste of the coffee. I use milk sometimes – especially when I run out of Coffee Mate, which is as rare as a blue moon really – but it doesn’t seem to be the same. The coffee still tastes good but the texture and taste are quite different.
Maybe I have just gotten used to having Coffee Mate in my coffee. Anyhow, this poses a problem for me sometimes when I go out of town. I remember visiting friends and all they had was instant coffee (it’s ok I can take it) and no Coffee Mate at all! There was this other time when my hosts did have creamer but it was of a different kind and it was just not very good with coffee.
Am I being particular and too finicky? I think not. If you take your coffee seriously – like when you cannot function normally until you have had that cup, with Coffee Mate of course – then you would probably understand how I feel. So what do you put in your cup?
Originally posted on January 15, 2008 @ 4:28 am